Went to the wake ytd… held on to my tears when I see him for the last time in his new “home”… he was wearing that TNT cap …
heard from my coll that he have “visited” the office these few days… he had been working in the depot all his years in the company… one of his colleague N went to work early after his accident and he turned on the light in the radio control room…suddenly it turned off… den N was scared so he didnt move… he just continued with his work… S frm another department walked into the room and ask N why is he working in the dark & S turned on the light… and it went off again… both of them stared at each other and S started talking to Vincent… and the light came back again…just like that…
I had almost the same encounter too… most of the times when I’m tired and I manage to arrive in office early… I will go into our take 5 room to take a short nap before work starts… every time it was peaceful… it was only on Thurs, someone knocked on that door when I was trying to nap… the light was dimly on and my slippers were right outside the door… i hear no footsteps and the door just slammed… initially i wasn’t thinking abt anything and i went back to rest due to the discomfort on my tummy… it was only when I started telling my colls, that’s hw i learnt abt the incident abv in depot…
this really aint superstitious… but when Vincent was alive… he really loves to disturb us in any way… emails, phone calls, face to face, sms… the list goes on…so it’s not surprising that he does that when his soul comes back…
there was an article about his accident on the newspapers and customers called in and ask abt him… who says working smart is the best way to survive in the working world… when his hard work pays off…
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