'When we are ANGRY, our hearts drift apart. To mask the DISTANCE we felt, we instinctively SHOUT instead of speak so the other party can hear us.'
'But as we SHOUT, we get ANGRIER. And we felt we drift apart further. So we SHOUT even louder...'
'It is the opposite when we are in love. Not only we do not shout, we whisper into each other ears. Why?'
'This is because our hearts are very close, almost never apart. As our love deepen, we reach a state of communication where there is no need for words.'
'We understand each other well enough just by exchanging look,' concluded the professor.
'Therefore, when we are arguing, DO NOT speak words that will make our hearts drift apart. WAIT a few days. When you feel your hearts are no longer far apart, pick up the conversation and continue from there..’
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