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Saturday, November 21, 2009

fingers & mouth are all tired

was on email the whole week and fingers are all numb from typing while my mouth is tired while scolding ppl who send those stupid email... but anyway this have been a fruitful week... met up with the girlies for dinner ytd.. this tym it's all adult talks... hehe...

went to catch "The Christmas Carol" today with Mr Chen ... it's a very meaningful show... nobody lives as a grumpy loner for long...open up and u'll see the light tat leads u to the path u desire..christmas is on the way here once again...the stay at Crown Hotel last year was just lyk ytd ..

"Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future but today is a GIFT. That's why it's called the present"
love this quote... it's part of my project for the week on motivational quotes to our fellow colls working super hard...

- Shurrly on iPhone