Hi Stephannie, thought that I had lost a reader who didn’t bid goodbye… it’s nice knowing that you are still around… The only person whom I know that likes to mimic my words in an argument is Alson Lum. Glad to know that you are the second one. If someday, should you break up with your boyfriend, I’ll be glad to introduce him to you (I’ve got to know that he is still single), I’m sure you will both make a compatible couple.
For your info, there are only a few people whom I have actually gave them my blog address personally and the only one who have my link on her blog had been forced to shut it down by some absurd person. Thus, I am sure that there are no links to my blog. I believe ur teachers and parents would have taught u not to lie. There is no discriminations here, so dun get so worked up. Just a gentle reminder to inform you to do your homework before deciding which 10 lies you would like to use for covering a truth.
Thank you for entertaining us these few days. I hope it’s not ur birthday any time soon, cus I will feel so bad if you are so much affected just before it. Of course, we will not see you. Even if we do, we dun even know how you look like in the first place. So there’s nothing to worry about.
May peace return to this space from now on.
Oh, i just came to know that 一粒蛋 blog was close down, well can i say it's lucky or unlucky that my friend's friend's is her. She must have read your blog to close down her blog.
Of course you will not know me, but i know you by viewing your picture here, your boyfriend will know me too, if he don't, then must be hiding and act don't know only.
Hey, I was at Giant Tampines waiting for u, we waited until 2200hrs. Where r u (ohhh here typing in the blog framing around). Tortoise ar. Tomolo I will be at AMK hub, near cinema area. Give u one more chance tortoise.
Ok,since I make "one egg" (sry, chinese not gd har) close down her blog, then I make Mr victory close down his blog too. We shall see.
Truthfully, I am your ex, if u not happy, put in my facebook. I will honor to put your comment on my main pages. u dun worry. Anyway my leave is over soon, I will ask my gf to change the blog address soon. Want my facebook account, meet me at AMK Hub, tortoise. U also haven't ans my previous question ler. Want to start new topic again. U siao ar.
Ohhh ya, heard u sell away your Honda Civic liao izzit. Poor gal. No money to drive, Did mr victory know about the matter, or he had money in malaysia for u to cheat. Cheat finish liao better ran K.
Tick Tock Tick Tong, I see your reply at 1am later. ok. We shall play until tomolo if u want to. I have time for this type of ppl like u. Tortoise.
Muz agitate u then u will meet us at AMK hub. But first ans all my question first. We both know who u are liao, why still want to put stephannie. Who know we can sit down for a cup of coffee to understand better what is your motive rith. Tortoise. ( sry, cannot stop calling u that). Cannot put your name ma. What to do.
No reply ar. Aiyoyo, then I go slp liao har, see ya at AMK Hub tomolo. Dun worry, I will recognise u. Stephannie tortoise ma, but then if u see me first, approached me k.
Short and sweet rith. Nitenite. Tortoise...
Advise for u, u continue to shoot mine and I will shoot yours. Hmmmm, do some homework first before I slp. Nitenite.
Wa kao, want to fly me "Per kee". Not even want to reply direct to me also.
Keep coming in wanting to see your post. Faster reply something lar. Say u forgot or no time for me or something like that lar. In front of your X u Tortoise liao ar, In front of my gal u damm hero lar. KNS....... u really are a tortoise ler.
Wa lau, kanna play up side down by u. Play me out twice. Dun reply to this thread liao. Only make me more ToLan about u. U want just start a new topic.
Elson really don't know what you talking about, need to cover yourself till say so many junk?
I don't even own a car nor know Mr. Victory from malaysia. Don't need meet out, already told you don't ever want to see you two what.
Anyway it better to ask your gf to change blog address soon, because the way you call my name i can take up a civil sue for insult which i had just check with the legal department.
I could only advice you to take out your comment.
Yo at last reply liao ar,
By all mean, go for a civil sue against me. Print a copy of this blog to your lawyer ya. Tortoise ar, waiting for your lawyer letter.
KNS, haven't sue u, u want to counter sue me. Who's IP address u using. Is it your home, if not is there any CCTV in your office which u have been using to send all the blog or u have personal com at office. U have been causing uncessary disturbance to both of us and our life by accusing me what (junking u ar) plus are u a gal, guy or gay sending out a blog reply claiming I am your BF. U understand what I mean. We are of same level of education.
I will be waiting for your lawyer letter, then I will counter sue u back. Do your homework first. (Tortoise) Under the misc offence, calling u a tortoise doesn't mean anything.( like that u called us foxes can cover liao rith?) Which lawyer u enquire har, did u tell your lawyer that u called us fox too. BTW, want my particulars, call shurrly. I already told her to give u my contact number for u to sue me. Did I type too long, sry har, damm angry with your noob comment anyway how much u pay for the legal advise fee har. X bo. For me u really do that ar. Aiyoyo. reply on new topic lar. It getting so long.
Ya, I understand that your birthday is coming. Happy birthday 28th man. Old liao lor. Me too. Hehehe, I younger then u by a bitbit.
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