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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Black friday with a White angel

it's someone's birthday once again.... and tdy we had this...

it was busy busy ... everybody is running up and down, left and right in the entire building... ruffling of footsteps and panting voices over the phone.. it's such a black friday...nevertheless, baby was there for me...he came to pick me up from work and we went Bedok to have my heels repaired... got myself a cup of corn and this is wad baby always do...

stir in the butter for me... hehe...it's just as good as shelling the prawns... and the worse is that he has to stand outside the car to do for me and the place is quite stinky... tat's hw much he dotes me...

we went grocery shopping... and we got me my long craved eggy chocolate.. i can't decide to get the one in tube or bag... so he took 2 and said "i wun forbid u frm eating chocolates" tat's hw he is... always allowing me to be myself & nt changing me to become someone without a thinking of her own and asking me to be independent later... i can be childish when i want to and mature when i feel like...

he has been a sweetie... sending me to work almost everyday... gosh..


Anonymous said...

i like tat egg chocolate too.. i cant find it at my place supermarket so sad.

Mummy Chen said...

hi anonymous, dun be despair...easter is coming.. they will be displaying more on the shelves soon... =)

Anonymous said...

anonmymous.. lol. is mi doreen :D

Mummy Chen said...

haha i guessed as much... among the 3 of u... ur possibility is higher.. hehe...