Thursday, May 28, 2009
counting down...
nothing to be proud of but it's the feeling between us...
can't wait to walk down the path to watch the fireflies with him...
7 more hrs... and I can't slp here...
am staying over at Granny's plc.. maybe i'm still more comfy with our bed keke...
the 1st bed tat made me slp and nvr wanna wake up for work... good and bad.. hehe...
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Our new bed was finally here last Saturday…
was having fever @ 38.5°c … the boyfriend took good care of me and even took leave the following day… went to Tamp 1 for dinner and to shop for my pyjamas party’s outfit… La Senza closed down in Tampines and in the end I have to get from BLUSH… the boyfriend offered to pay for my boxers and I only paid for my spag top from Uni Olo.. hehe.. had dinner @ Say Cheez… it didnt look expensive but we only had 2 main dish, 2 drinks, 1 soup and 1 appetizer and it cost us $60 already!!!!
went out for bday celebration with my girlies @ Waraku Heeren… Love the wasabi… great hehe…
The gers gave ang pow and this is wad it says …
WEDDING BELLS~~!!! halo gers…
tnx for the wonderful dinner and the blessings…
Went to work on Saturday morning and P.P was made to achieve 95% on the plasma screen before he can go home.. by the time his shift was abt to be over it was only 92% and this is wad he did…
pasted a piece of paper and wrote 95%…. trying to smoke the supervisor in a stupid way… (-_-;)
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
happy saturday
our new bed is coming today~~!!!!! hehe…
after much nagging from the boyfriend.. have finally scheduled for scanning today.. hopefully the result shld be ok…
saw this poster just right outside the door of the office… it’s for our family day!! yeah… TNT gonna book the entire cinema.. hoooo…..steady steady bom pee pee…
am gg to enjoy my new set of 蜡笔小新 while baby’s @ work… hehe…
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weird ciggy…
took out a ciggy like usual from the box… only to realised that it’s all crumbled and bend when I was abt to light it….
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
panicking day…
just came back from dinner with the boyfriend @ Causeway Point and bought something tat i've been missing for a while...
Bought some materials for our sketch book as well… hehe…
Sold 4 Insurance that cost up to USD 150,000+…earning just 1% of it makes me a happy ger… lalala…
am gg to sit for a test tmr… if i pass i’ll get EUR 50… hope tat they will have lesser geography questions.. i’m a history student… *starts wondering hw did i end up with a job dealing with the blue blue map*
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
virgin attempt
i'm really lucky to have's love tat i feel frm u and it has been extended to my family members too... it's something that i've been missing for a long long time...thanks boy...
my virgin attempt to MUSTAFA!! am such a lousy Singaporean to only visit that place after so many years... it was a last minute decision when the boyfriend decided to turn right into the small lanes... hehe... it was quite ok.. not stinky at all... but alot of things though... almost gotten a mp4 player for $140 but held back... has been spending too much lately loh...time to save a bit... hehe...
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when things are on the down side… this is wad will happen during office hours from 0800 – 2000 hrs…
joke of the day in office…
my colleagues are just so farni…and the ppl in the email list includes everyone on #06-00 C&P Building…tat makes up to abt 100+ ppl…
was chatting with the boyfriend on the line while I was clearing my mail when this email came in… was abt to ask him “are u getting prepared?” and I end up asking… “are u getting married?” (-_-;)
finally got my mini luggage frm Raffles City for the upcoming trip… hehe.. at a discounted price all thanks to the boyfriend… good bargain-er…
and I’ve finally gotten the pair of Gucci-print Mickey and Minnie… lol~~
the celebration at Grandma house was good… all of us sat down and had a great chat abt my life…current and before…everybody seems to like the boyfriend quite alot…
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Sunday, May 10, 2009
i've nt grown small but dresses are bigger now...
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New Bed..
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Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Tired Bum Bum
Tdy’s a bumpy day… went Ikea for dinner with the boyfriend and shopped at Giant… just within abt 30 mins in Giant I bumped into my ex colleague with her husband and later, Anthony with his wife and baby… hehe… she’s so cute but I was too paiseh to walk over… cus i dunno wad to say to him but it was nice of him to smile at me… at least an acknowledgement… and I dunno why I’ll always have to bump into ppl on the days when I’m so lazy to put on make up and just pop my glasses on… lol~~
couples ard me have been quarrelling lately and I think the weather + flu is making things worse… everybody’s so pek chek… even for myself… on many occasions I almost slam the phone on my customers as they were getting on my nerves so badly tat I do feel giddy for a moment…I used to feel numb all over my body when I quarrel with someone thus I had went to read on Internet and checked with doc… if I keep holding back my anger I will have hypertension at a young age which may lead to stroke…damn… but customer service is the best line that I can be at work with my gift of speech…damn…
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Monday, May 4, 2009
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Sunday, May 3, 2009
swine flu
it has been a tiring day @ the clinic... only had e taiwanese sausage frm my pack of breakfast...
as it may seem... singaporeans are super kiasu... i've attended to 41 patients by 1300hrs... most of the time it's only 20+.... finally am gg to resign frm clinic... it's so tiring to work 7 days a week...argh...i'm so tired that I've no appetite for anything at all tdy... even if u put durian right in front of me nw... all I'll do is to nibble abit and leave the rest there...
so tired of my hairstyle too and the ends are getting dry... thinking of perming but am planning to do it at a later stage of life... maybe i shld just stick to highlighting and rebonding... argh... why I always can't decide wad I wan!!!! where's the decisive me??
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Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy Little Me~
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