wow... time flies... but our relationship is building on a stronger ground... I can feel a stronger bond between us with all the hoohas ard... it's the 2nd monthsary and he gave me a real surprise with Tulips again... omg... i wasn't expecting it... i can't stop smiling and even my director came over to congratulate me.. thinking it's some admirer or my bf asking for my hand for marriage... lol... she's damn farni la... just got a news tat i'm only working for 2hrs 15mins tmr!!! gonna store up all my leave for next year's overseas trip...hehe...
just came back frm clinic... he has got to be god-send... was super busy this morning and he turned up right in front of me with a bottle of home-brewed chrysantemum.... he was working night shift and he had soccer this morning.... and he made a trip to AMK just to get me tat drink then went back home to slp... maybe ppl will be saying this is just the beginning but wad the heck lor... we've been seeing each other almost everyday and I really cant believe he is really tat sweet... gonna meet his sis later busy busy nite...
am doing up the blog for us as a surprise for him.. hehe.. this darling deserves something gd...doing my favorite cross-stitch at the same time hoping it will be in time for V-day... but have to hide it in mummy's room when he stays over...i guess i've really found wad i've always wanted...even if he were to leave me like how MESS did some day.. i'll still be glad to have him in my life for a period of time..
I had the most enjoyable christmas for the past 24 yrs... went to work on christmas eve with many presents on my table... endless surprises... customers are unusually sweet and understanding... performance in the office was superb.... the celebration at my aunt hse went well...the hotel stay was good... recommendable.. service is good too...42" LCD... huge bathtub...super nice basin...comfortable bed...nice music...toy catching and fun bowling session with his cuzzie...and a sweet darling... it was PERFECT~~! there's nth more that i can ask for this christmas...
Finally the long awaited day came... he accompanied me to my aunt's hse for bbq... i can't believe hw he managed to click with them... though they are nice ppl but they do have a guideline for the new bf of mine after hw MESS walked out on me...
he booked the Crowne Plaza Hotel just for the night.. omg ... it's like living in luxury lor.. the room is damn big and comfortable....
He offered to pay for all my christmas gift exchanges!!! gracious me... how in the world i've got to know someone like this... not the money matter but someone so close to my heart...
Most of the time now is spent with the......TOY CATCHER MACHINE... he is super addicted to it and he was sooooo damn lucky today... caught 3 toys with just $1!!!! i tink he might have broke the guiness world record... haha... too bad didnt manage to take photo in time...
something that cannot be missed on all 冬季...
Bought this swavroski crystal for him... nice and angelic... but main reason is replace the old sharp pointed star as i think it will harm him in some exchange he bought me a cordless phone...reason being: he wants me to speak with him frm every corner of my house... haha...
Went for that Lion Roar with him and his colleagues... though Lion became Kitty in the end but it's still a gd experience.. it's the first time in 24 yrs tat i stepped in to Singapore Stadium... omg...and the attendance is WOW.... almost filled...well... no more 形象 but hack la.. haha...
Was out with HuiHui tdy... she called me and ask me to bring her out... saying that someone have promised to bring her to Vivo but stood on her...
Anyway we were just like a family on a small outing... hehe... went Yishun to 还神... den went back to tampines to get my new glasses.. hehe...
He just loves my new glasses... bt he is seriously the sweetest man...we went to watch YES MAN... surprisingly i was awake throughout the show...
Went up to his place to get some things for car washing and proceeded back to my place to wash our 小黑... it was just a quickie as I am very tired and dear kept asking me to sit in the car... bt the stubborn me just wanna get my ass moving~~~
Due to the increase in stress level, I'm balding... my goodness...had to change the parting of my hair and it turned out pretty well... *no photos yet, cus angle not found for left side parting*
I guess my fibroid have been acting up again...Stitching pain once in a while.. and recently there's so many times that I've lost count...I'm skipping my check up...I'm not strong enuff to face the reality yet...too many unhappy things that are happening throughout the year.. i'm nt sure if I can take another blow...
Was surprised by a little gift from one of my new mentee when i went back from lunch... nothing much but it's so sweet to make my day...
The darkest side of TNT is....... PP & Reuben are sucidal ppl.. they hanged up my beanies!!! gosh... lol... subsequently Kris hanged her Koala and Lina hanged her monkey.... omg...
With all these... my life in TNT is getting better though the calls are getting heavier, nastier.. this shld be enuff to balance off...
A night of fun.. omg... this is my very first D&D and it's unforgetable... the bond within the office is so the closeness between us regardless of gender or nationality...
first time out to night safari... omg... after so many years...finally.....been there done that....
It was so fun... though there's only the 3 of us but we played as if we're in our own world with no restrictions...Though we were like rushing like crazy from Changi to Mandai since sittie only knocks off at 8pm.. and I had to help her a little to make up the time... luckily Dear has been so nice that he waited for 2 hrs... omg.. I've never met someone this patient... and he has always been waiting and waiting...
I am beginning to feel him... I dunno why but I think I'm really falling into it... I am getting more and more comfortable with him...
Many times... in fact 8 out of 10 times I fell asleep in the cinema... surprised... he wasn't angry at all... in the past.. i wld get the scolding for sure...
I am starting to believe that he is different... though we were only 1 mth and 8 days together... bt it felt like we've been together for a long long time... something that was unexpected... I am contented with what I have right now... really... there's really nothing much that I can ask of him...
4th bouquet in a mth... omg.... i've nvr been this pampered before...a little not so used to it yet...
every one in the ofc classified me as the flower
Back to nature... sleeping by the sea can be so relaxing...thankful tat i've met someone so close to my heart too...and most of the time i do not have to say much and he just noes exactly wad i want...
ugly w/o make so this shld be the best way to take the shot... lol....